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Wednesday, November 24, 2004 

A Target for Sumter

I sent the email, seen in my Post, Target Department Stores vs. The Salvation Army, of November 20, 2004, before learning that the proposed development across from Goodwin's may be a Target department store although that would not have changed my attitude towards Target. Up front, let me say that Target Community Services does provide a wide range of honorable philanthropic acts and they are very commendable. However, that does not change my mind on the exclusion of the Salvation Army on a local level.

Traditionally the Salvation Army has the lowest overhead of charitable organizations, it normally employees the needy during holidays (especially those that stand out in the weather ringing bells for donations), and most, if not all, the money collected during the holidays stays in the Sumter community. Target has also stopped a practice of hiring disabled Salvation Army individuals - at no cost to them as the Salvation Army takes care of that arrangement. I have not talked to the city on this but plan to sometime today. This Blog, "Barber Shop - Sumter County's Main Street Listening Post - at http://bshopblog.blogspot.com/ became an idea after the past election when I discovered I knew very little about Sumter and felt this was a way to get to know the community I live in better. The downsize is my health - that I can only wait and see...