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Friday, November 25, 2005 


As a follow up to last night or better yet, the early morning bust by the wife the following explanation is in order:

Sure, sure she worries about me because, well, in all honesty, I tend to wander at the most inappropriate times. A condition brought on by my disease. When one of these occurrences happens, I do not have any memory of it. It is the same as having a gran mal or major seizure in which you generally fall to the ground unconscious - one of the results is that you have no memory of the episode.

One of my wandering episodes found me walking down the middle of our farm-to-market road in the fury of a thunderstorm and rain. After walking for about a mile, I began pounding on a house door asking if they knew me or where I lived. This was somewhere around two o'clock in the morning.

If you live in the country as we do, everyone knows a little something about everyone. In this case, the house I came to belonged to a lifelong friend. Jane came in a panic (so I was later told) and retrieved me to our home. More and newer medicine now keeps the worst of my wanderings to the barest of minimums.

Jane goes to bed early but if she wakes up at one in the morning and I am not in bed, she goes into a panic. I don't really blame her it is that I enjoy the nighttime with all the quiet but mundane background noise - the automatic icemaker making ice, the turning off and on of the gas-fired heater and the sound of the barn owl hooting at close to the same time every night, 12:30 AM. Now if it is raining and thundering, there is no sweeter sound than of the claps of lightening and the rain falling on the roof. Hey, even the sound of the occasional mousetrap snapping shut just knowing you have caught another one of those pesky field mice.

When getting into bed I had to listen to the proverbial “dressing” down but after 39 years of marriage, they have become less frightening than at 22 years of age. I did suggest tying a string around her ankle and mine but all I heard was, “Yeah, right!” Oh well, life continues for another day.