Faith and Trust
In his Advent message of today, The Reverend David A. Oppold, Pastor of Spirit of Hope Lutheran Church, 74 East Kings Highway in Mount Ephraim, NJ, brings us a true message on faith and trust:
December 18, 2005
Fourth week of Advent
Faith and Trust
In a sermon from 1527, Martin Luther referred to today's reading from Luke as a "happy and charming gospel." Indeed, the prelude to the events of this coming Christmas season all find their fulfillment in the annunciation to Mary by the angel Gabriel that she will bear a son and name him Jesus.
Today's gospel story has been the subject of many a renowned painter, sculptor, stained glass artist, poet, and composer. This story has spiritually moved generations of Christians who have wondered at Mary's faith, obedience, and readiness to be the chosen vessel of God in the mystery of the incarnation. Mary's permanence in the communion of saints remains. She is a model of faith and a woman whose example inspires us for all times.
Very soon Christmas will be here, and we will celebrate the truth of this biblical narrative. In the joyful observance of our Savior's birth we will not forget our faith and trust in the word and promise of God to us. This faith is rooted in the gospel story of the annunciation itself. Mary's faith and trust allowed her to welcome the angel's announcement, strange though it was. She could not understand at first how and why God had chosen her. The conception that was to take place was beyond her senses. Only God's gift of grace enabled Mary to believe and to offer herself willingly to God's service.
Mary's gift of faith and obedience was not hers alone. We, too, trust in the word announced to us. This gift of wonder and this sense of a holy task before us are available to all who humble themselves before the manger of Jesus Christ. This "happy and charming gospel" is ours forever.
Good post. Merry Christmas!
Posted by
Anonymous |
December 20, 2005 9:53 PM