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Wednesday, December 14, 2005 

Christians Under Assault

You may want to first travel over to Alexandra von Maltzan’s blog, All Things Beautiful. She is a superb writer and researcher and covers this topic with extreme clarity and conviction as a Christian in her post, The Declaration of War on Christians. Read the entire post and link to the many other bloggers writing on the same subject. You will come away with a much through understanding of those forces out to suppress Christian beliefs and traditions.

I am a Christian. As a Christian, I am appalled at the encroaching shadows of “Political Correctness” or the “Criminalization of Christmas,” these days. Individuals, groups, and judges demanding the removal of nativity scenes, taking down a plaque of the Ten Commandments, and even trying to take the word God out of our Pledge of Allegiance are daily occurrences. No major retailer wants to say, “Christmas Tree,” anymore now that political correctness dictates it as a “Holiday Tree.”

Instinctively drawn to the birth of Jesus Christ, Christians view this season not in sadness but one of hope. Jesus Christ is the man who came into our lives to shine the eternal light, to brighten the corners of our lives, and to show us the road to salvation.

Isn’t it strange that the world could view a man who raised the dead, made the blind see and the deaf to hear as being offensive? Christ offers us the kingdom of heaven but the others would have the kingdom of the earth. Martin Luther put it best when he said, “For the highest wisdom and sanctity of the hypocrites sees nothing but temporal honor, carnal will, mundane life, good days, money and wealth, all which must vanish and cease.”

A post several days ago on this very same subject stayed up only about fifteen minutes after I decided to pull it. The email response was vicious, hateful and even threatening. No rational debate, no rational discussion, from any group leads me to believe that those who oppose my views are themselves intolerant and ignorant of our county’s history and constitution.

If I am a firm believer in our Constitution, which I am, then I recognize the right of the opposing side to protest the use of religious articles in public places. Historically, our Founding Father built this country on religious freedom. They them selves were very religious individuals using the Ten Commandments as a foundation for our modern laws and the First Amendment supports my right to practice religion. We, to this day, have a Congress that begins each session with a prayer and has a resident Chaplain.

The history of our country is one of people coming here to exercise their belief in God. The Puritans escaped from the Church of England to set up a new experiment in America. Putting this out of public places is to deny history. Even the former Roman Empire allowed display of Religion. Are we so stupid to think we can suppress all of it?